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日常健康:為什麼節食後保持體重如此困難,如何保持體重減輕?<br />朱迪思&middot;貝克(Judith Beck)博士(beckinstitute.org)<br />貝克認知療法和研究所所長;賓夕法尼亞大學精神病學臨床心理學副教授<br />大多數節食者不認識以下內容:如果他們一直在節食並且體重達到穩定狀態,則他們需要攝取完全相同數量的卡路里以保持體重減輕。一旦他們開始吃更多的卡路里,他們就會開始增加體重。因此,從一開始,他們就不應在飲食上做出任何無法維持生命的改變。節食後保持體重減輕也很困難,因為一旦節食者習慣了體重秤上較低的體重,他們就不再具有稱體重的快感。他們需要繼續閱讀每天要保持體重減輕的一系列原因來繼續激勵自己:“我想保持苗條身材,我想讓自己保持更好的狀態,我想保持自己所經歷的健康益處,我想繼續擁有更多的精力,”等等。<br />醫學博士Susan Biali博士(susanbiali.com)<br />生活教練,《您所愛的生活:七個步驟,讓您更健康,更快樂,更充滿激情》的作者<br />大多數人不會以易於維持的方式減輕體重。速食,極端飲食,時尚飲食或任何在正常的日常生活中不能長期持續的減肥飲食策略在一段時間內都行不通。一旦您節食,您就無濟於事,無法改變平時的飲食和生活方式,並且不可避免地要增加體重。減肥的最佳方法是製定飲食計劃,並在可能的情況下尋求專業幫助,從而使您的飲食更加健康,以您喜歡的方式推廣食物,並且易於遵循。理想情況下, [http://www.pearltrees.com/letterappeal2576 HOMAN] ,而不要感到自己受苦。<br /><br />任何減肥成功策略的重要組成部分是學習如何傾聽自己的身體,識別何時出於情感原因而渴望高糖或高脂肪的食物(或任何食物),而不是真正識別自己的時間。飢餓。這產生了巨大的變化-您可能會發現成功減肥的秘訣只是確定真正的飢餓與食慾之間的差異。您還需要學會聽音樂,當自己的身體飽滿時;在感覺到自己達到該點(或稍早一點)時停下來;這對於減輕體重有很大幫助。研究表明,如果您每天吃一頓健康健康的早餐,那麼您在一天的其餘時間內會自動少吃東西,並且長期保持體重減輕的可能性更大。最後,研究還表明,每晚睡眠充足的人全天少吃東西,而且超重的可能性也大大降低。每晚至少有八個小時的睡眠時間-無需犧牲的減肥小費怎麼辦?<br />Martin Binks博士(DrBinks.com,Binks博士的“日常健康”專欄)<br />Binks行為健康臨床總監,首席執行官;杜克大學醫學中心助理顧問教授<br />這個問題的答案在於飲食這個詞,它在我們現代社會中意味著什麼。通常,人們將飲食看作是飲食習慣的暫時性改變,通常是極端改變,為了快速達到目標體重,此後他們又恢復了飲食“正常”飲食。此外,這些飲食方法通常忽略合理而可持續地增加體育鍛煉的重要性,而完全專注於限制熱量攝入以達到減肥所需的能量不足。最近,我們看到了飲食思想的更新版本。除了設定不切實際的飲食目標外,我們還為體育鍛煉目標添加了類似的全有或全無的想法。其結果是使過度勞累的運動普及,這既痛苦又幾乎不可能長期維持。不切實際和不可持續的飲食和運動目標相結合的最終結果是提供了非常短暫的體重減輕,而體重減輕往往是不完整的,最終導致體重恢復。<br />沃爾特&middot;E&middot;雅各布森(馬里蘭州)(walterjacobsonmd.com)<br />精神科醫生<br />節食後很難保持體重下降的原因是,在大多數情況下,減肥後體重增加的根本原因是自我破壞行為,通常會首先導致體重增加,而沒有尚未解決。暴飲暴食的許多動機是抑鬱,焦慮,憤怒,沮喪,恐懼...各種負面情緒是由對我們自己,世界以及我們在世界上的地位的負面想法所產生的。所有這些消極情緒引發了我們的暴飲暴食,因為這是我們唯一的緩解壓力的應對策略。當我們制定健康的應對策略,使我們能夠了解觸發因素,而不將其引導到自我破壞和自我毀滅的行為中,並使我們能夠有效地忍受並駕馭艱難而壓力重重的世界時,我們就無需過度勞累來使自己平靜下來並因其具有自殘行為而受到讚賞。至於我們如何才能保持體重減輕,我們需要每天對自己的思想和情緒保持警惕,我們必須保持積極的態度,告訴自己積極,令人鼓舞的信息,而不是帶有判斷力,內gui和羞恥的信息。我們必須每天提醒自己自己的目標,保持體重減輕,以便我們看起來好,感覺好,精力充沛,壽命長和健康。<br /><br /><br />拉斐爾&middot;庫什尼爾(cushnir.com)<br />作者,衝浪內海:持久安寧的基本經驗<br />當我們用意志力來減磅時,會有暫時的收穫。但是不久之後,我們戰勝的情緒又浮出水面,需要我們的注意,而在對它們的抵抗中,我們又恢復了以前的模式。因此,維持減肥最重要的事情是學習如何直接,充分地與情緒建立聯繫,從而無需意志力就能減肥,而是依靠自我接受。<br />傑西卡&middot;菲什曼&middot;萊文森(Jessica Fishman Levinson),MS,RD,CDN(nutritioulicious.com)<br />註冊營養師,Nutritioulicious創始人<br />大多數飲食要求限制某些食物或完整食物組,這通常會通過減少卡路里攝入量而導致體重減輕。飲食結束後,再添加這些限制食品,您就會從額外的卡路里中增加體重。同樣,當您限制自己時,對這些食物的誘惑就會增加,結果人們在最終允許自己享用“禁果”時會過度食用。保持體重減輕的最佳方法是首先保持均衡飲食。如果您堅持“飲食”,請確保不要過多降低卡路里攝入量,也不要使任何食物超出限制。 [https://xypid.win/story.php?title=%EF%BB%BF%E5%85%8B%E7%BE%85%E6%81%A9%E7%97%85%E6%98%AF%E9%81%BA%E5%82%B3%E7%97%85%E5%97%8E%EF%BC%9F#discuss https://xypid.win/story.php?title=%EF%BB%BF%E5%85%8B%E7%BE%85%E6%81%A9%E7%97%85%E6%98%AF%E9%81%BA%E5%82%B3%E7%97%85%E5%97%8E%EF%BC%9F#discuss] 。如果您想要一些巧克力,請吃一塊黑巧克力,然後每天稱呼它。您不需要完全避免它,但是您需要注意這些部分。<br />Douglas Schooler博士(douglasschooler.com)<br />持牌心理學家<br />這很簡單:飲食無效。剝奪人體必需的卡路里和營養素將永遠回飛鏢。關鍵是要吃正確的食物,並定期進行有趣的體育鍛煉。<br />
Massage therapy is among the hottest healing arts worldwide. It has been practiced since ancient times and is extremely popular today. Massage can be supplied as a standalone service or may be part of a more comprehensive wellness bundle. In any situation, massage is an excellent way to connect together and touch others. [https://lessontoday.com/profile/thingbroker71/activity/635317/ 안양출장] covers the many unique kinds of massage therapy.<br /><br />Swedish massage treatment relieves pain and stress by stimulating the body's relaxation response method. The techniques for Swedish massage are extremely different from traditional massage, however, integrate it as an optional course for your three massage and shiatsu certification programs at Minneapolis massage school. Swedish massage therapist uses long strokes, gentle friction, and mild pressure. The soothing effects are believed to alleviate pain in the back, shoulders, neck, and hips.<br /><br />Reflexology is a form of massage that uses the reflex points found all around the human body. In some cases, reflexology is also known as&quot;energy work&quot;. Reflexology therapists use pliers, finger, and other sorts of hand tools to find and stimulate the numerous points. Reflexology helps to relieve stress, calm the body, improve circulation, increase vitality, and relax muscles. Reflexology continues schooling as classes are added throughout the country. Continuing education needs for reflexology is different than many massage courses.<br /><br />Shiatsu is not technically a massage therapy, but rather a form of acupressure and Swedish massagetherapy. Individuals who understand shiatsu in massage therapy programs learn technique like applying stress factors, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic methods. Shiatsu is thought to boost vitality, promote self-awareness, and eliminate stress. It's used for pain relief, including migraines, cramps, and low back pain.<br /><br /><br /><br />Reflexology and Swedish massage are based on the theory of&quot;healing&quot; by touch. They encourage appropriate joint mobility, flexibility, and posture progress whilst relieving stress. Their most important differences lie within the application of pressure and the focus on deep pressure points situated on and around the legs and feet. In reflexology, the hands and feet are concentrated while in Swedish massage the entire body is worked upon. In either type, patients experience improved blood circulation, deeper comfort, reduced muscle tension, relief of nausea, and an overall sense of well being.<br /><br />Reflexology and Swedish massage therapy can be applied using the palms, toes, or other tools like the wrist and head clasps. Patients do not have to move their muscles in any way during the procedure, making it safer for them than other kinds of massage therapy. Many physicians find reflexology advantageous for chronic conditions and even people who are terminally ill. This is because with reflexology, patients don't have to be worried about muscle movements along with the associated discomfort after the treatment is ended.<br /><br />The benefits of reflexology aren't restricted to the feet however. Along with using the hands along with other tools such as the head and wrist clasps, reflexologists additionally use their fingers, elbows, wrists, and even their feet to apply pressure. Whenever these pressure points are targeted, they are believed to relieve a variety of conditions.<br /><br />In terms of Swedish massage, the entire body is massaged, which may feel really soothing. Some people today report a tingling sensation in the feet, but others feel numbed. The therapist may utilize smooth massaging strokes or even long glides. This type of massage feels most comfortable with oil applied to the skin, and it is occasionally combined with reflexology. If you suffer with back pain or stiff muscles, you might want to try reflexology first to see whether it will help you.<br /><br />Another kind of reflexology is foot reflexology, which utilizes the soles of their feet to stimulate the corresponding organs via small reflex points located in the heel, ankle, or arch. Some people call it foot massage, but it's really reflexology. It's typically utilized when treating low back pain or spondylosis. Many reflexology experts may unite the foot reflexology using a Swedish massage in order to improve the benefits of both of these.<br /><br />Your choice of a massage therapist ought to be determined by your own wants and health history. Make sure he or she's qualified and licensed, and check them for any complaints filed against them. Some states require therapists to take classes also. Also, you might want to ask friends or family members to urge someone whom they have had a fantastic massage expertise with.<br /><br />Reflexology is an excellent way to improve the body comfort and other benefits of massage. It combines the two by focusing pressure on reflex points, which in turn stimulate the corresponding target organs. Reflexology is beneficial for the whole nervous system, as it boosts blood flow and lymph circulation. It's also great for the entire body, particularly the muscles and cells.<br />

Revision as of 20:14, 15 April 2021

Massage therapy is among the hottest healing arts worldwide. It has been practiced since ancient times and is extremely popular today. Massage can be supplied as a standalone service or may be part of a more comprehensive wellness bundle. In any situation, massage is an excellent way to connect together and touch others. 안양출장 covers the many unique kinds of massage therapy.

Swedish massage treatment relieves pain and stress by stimulating the body's relaxation response method. The techniques for Swedish massage are extremely different from traditional massage, however, integrate it as an optional course for your three massage and shiatsu certification programs at Minneapolis massage school. Swedish massage therapist uses long strokes, gentle friction, and mild pressure. The soothing effects are believed to alleviate pain in the back, shoulders, neck, and hips.

Reflexology is a form of massage that uses the reflex points found all around the human body. In some cases, reflexology is also known as"energy work". Reflexology therapists use pliers, finger, and other sorts of hand tools to find and stimulate the numerous points. Reflexology helps to relieve stress, calm the body, improve circulation, increase vitality, and relax muscles. Reflexology continues schooling as classes are added throughout the country. Continuing education needs for reflexology is different than many massage courses.

Shiatsu is not technically a massage therapy, but rather a form of acupressure and Swedish massagetherapy. Individuals who understand shiatsu in massage therapy programs learn technique like applying stress factors, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic methods. Shiatsu is thought to boost vitality, promote self-awareness, and eliminate stress. It's used for pain relief, including migraines, cramps, and low back pain.

Reflexology and Swedish massage are based on the theory of"healing" by touch. They encourage appropriate joint mobility, flexibility, and posture progress whilst relieving stress. Their most important differences lie within the application of pressure and the focus on deep pressure points situated on and around the legs and feet. In reflexology, the hands and feet are concentrated while in Swedish massage the entire body is worked upon. In either type, patients experience improved blood circulation, deeper comfort, reduced muscle tension, relief of nausea, and an overall sense of well being.

Reflexology and Swedish massage therapy can be applied using the palms, toes, or other tools like the wrist and head clasps. Patients do not have to move their muscles in any way during the procedure, making it safer for them than other kinds of massage therapy. Many physicians find reflexology advantageous for chronic conditions and even people who are terminally ill. This is because with reflexology, patients don't have to be worried about muscle movements along with the associated discomfort after the treatment is ended.

The benefits of reflexology aren't restricted to the feet however. Along with using the hands along with other tools such as the head and wrist clasps, reflexologists additionally use their fingers, elbows, wrists, and even their feet to apply pressure. Whenever these pressure points are targeted, they are believed to relieve a variety of conditions.

In terms of Swedish massage, the entire body is massaged, which may feel really soothing. Some people today report a tingling sensation in the feet, but others feel numbed. The therapist may utilize smooth massaging strokes or even long glides. This type of massage feels most comfortable with oil applied to the skin, and it is occasionally combined with reflexology. If you suffer with back pain or stiff muscles, you might want to try reflexology first to see whether it will help you.

Another kind of reflexology is foot reflexology, which utilizes the soles of their feet to stimulate the corresponding organs via small reflex points located in the heel, ankle, or arch. Some people call it foot massage, but it's really reflexology. It's typically utilized when treating low back pain or spondylosis. Many reflexology experts may unite the foot reflexology using a Swedish massage in order to improve the benefits of both of these.

Your choice of a massage therapist ought to be determined by your own wants and health history. Make sure he or she's qualified and licensed, and check them for any complaints filed against them. Some states require therapists to take classes also. Also, you might want to ask friends or family members to urge someone whom they have had a fantastic massage expertise with.

Reflexology is an excellent way to improve the body comfort and other benefits of massage. It combines the two by focusing pressure on reflex points, which in turn stimulate the corresponding target organs. Reflexology is beneficial for the whole nervous system, as it boosts blood flow and lymph circulation. It's also great for the entire body, particularly the muscles and cells.