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<br />One issue increasing potential toxic results is the application of resorcinol to injured skin Cassano et al. Surviving F 0 parental and F 1 following choice rats underwent full gross necropsy following the breeding interval seven F zero males per group , following completion of weaning of F 1 pups F zero females , following scheduled necropsy of F zero females remaining seven F zero males per group , on PND 28 F 1 exposed pups , or on PND 30 or 70 F 1 pups chosen for behavioural testing.<br />Animals that died confirmed hyperaemia and distension of abdomen and intestine, while there have been no gross lesions at necropsy in survivors Flickinger, In one other study with CFY rats. Most of the research are of sufficient high quality and acceptable for risk characterization functions.<br /><br /><h1></h1><br />There were no printed animal studies showing thyroidal effects with a dose—response relationship that might be used for a tolerable intake. In the body of a full life cycle toxicity take a look at OECD TG , Lima observed no antagonistic effects after 48 h of exposure on the highest concentration examined, zero. Furthermore, Cronin et al. The fish and pond snails had been positioned instantly into the aquaria, whereas the remaining 5 species were segregated in several baskets and suspended within the aquaria. The solely investigation into this finish-level is that from the dose range-discovering study reported in sections 8.<br /><br /><h2></h2><br />The microscopic examination of the thyroid gave minimal modifications follicular hyperplasia , which were statistically not vital between controls and individual dose teams RTF, In vitro research have been performed to evaluate the results of resorcinol on thyroid perform. In excessive-dose teams, a decrease in body weight and decreased survival were famous. Owing to concern in regards to the thyroid effects of resorcinol, which have been shown in human studies to happen at excessive doses, this finish-point in particular has been the purpose of focus in several research. In most of the older studies, the consequences of resorcinol exposure on the thyroid gland are conflicting. It has been advised that thyroid effects seem to be depending on an administration route that allows for continued systemic exposure e.<br />Two lengthy-time period research with Swiss mice or NZW rabbits, the place the animals had been handled with zero. In an in vitro. In an investigation in three human volunteers utilizing situations similar to those used in hair dyeing, 14 C-ring-labelled 1. This means that only a small quantity of resorcinol penetrates the pores and skin through the precise process of hair colouring.<br /><br /><h5></h5><br />In each species, there were no adverse results on ultimate imply physique weights, haematology, or clinical chemistry parameters, and no chemical-associated gross or microscopic lesions had been observed. In one other research, rats had been exposed to zero or zero. No thyroid hormone measurements were performed.<br /><br />Complete restoration in all animals occurred within 1—1. Of the following studies, the repeated-dose toxicity studies that have been deemed to be most relevant to the chance evaluation are summarized in Appendix 6. In a research performed by NTP , five female and male F rats were dosed with resorcinol in deionized water via gavage at zero, High-dose females had significantly decreased absolute and relative thymus weights. No other biologically significant differences in organ weights had been observed. In distinction to those findings, Eastin et al.<br /><br /><h3></h3><br />These figures agree nicely with the above publicity estimate based on the Yeung et al.
中文中有那么多好听的花儿名字,英文的对应名称又是怎样的呢?是不是都是些又长又拗口的拉丁文学名?其实有很多花儿的英文名称都很美哦,一起来看看。  满天星 Baby's breath  “婴儿的呼吸”,这样的名字从口中读出来,都有种温馨甜蜜的意味。 [http://ask1.cn/ 点击更多] ,这种花的学名是Gypsophila,这个词可就半点浪漫意味都没了。  牵牛花 morning glory  在我们眼中娇羞如小家碧玉的牵牛花,英文名称居然如此大气而庄严,真让人有几分诧异。这样看来,用牵牛花的另一个名称“朝颜”来对应morning glory,会更匹配一些。同样,它的学名,旋花科植物Convolvulaceae,看上去就没那么诗意了。  水仙 narcissus/daffodil  narcissus这个名字来源于希腊神话中的美少年Narcissus,由于痴恋自己在河中美丽的倒影而憔悴致死,死后化作水仙花。因此我们常说的“自恋”英语中就是narcissistic;narcissus这个词是“水仙花”的总称,而daffodil指的是其中的一种,黄水仙。英国著名湖畔派诗人华兹华斯就有一首脍炙人口的优美小诗《Daffodil》。  勿忘我 Forget-me-not  英文和中文刚好相互对应。原名是希腊文,意为“老鼠的耳朵”,因为勿忘我的叶子长的像老鼠耳朵。更常用的这个forget-me-not最开始是从法文名ne m'oubliez pas(别忘记我)直接翻译过来的。  木槿 Rose of Sharon  《诗经》中曾将美貌女子比喻成木槿:有女同车,颜如舜华。“舜”就是木槿。英文名看上去很奇怪,因为最初将圣经翻译成英文时,译者把希伯来语中的“木槿”一词翻错了,于是就出现了rose of sharon这个名字。  白玉兰 magnolia  上海市的市花是白玉兰。这个词小编一直觉得相当拗口,总是读成mangolia,囧,大家不要读错啊。  萱草 Day lily  萱草又称忘忧草。古时候由于母亲居住的地方,门前总是种满萱草,所以用“萱堂”来指代母亲。这是一种寄托思念的花,在古老的《诗经》中同样出现过:焉得谖草?言树之背。愿言思伯,使我心痗。其中“谖草”就是萱草的古称。英文名day lily来自希腊语,希腊语的原意是“day”和“beautiful”。  康乃馨 carnation  看得出来,康乃馨的名字是从英文音译过来的。大家都知道康乃馨是从给妈妈的花,但是不同颜色的康乃馨也有不同的含义,在法国,紫色康乃馨是献给死者的花,而且在讲法语的国家,康乃馨代表的是不幸。送给妈妈的康乃馨应该是粉红色。传说这种花是圣母玛利亚的眼泪灌溉出来的,所以代表了至纯的母爱。康乃馨的学名在希腊文中的原意是heavenly flower。母亲节快到了,大家是不是要给自己的妈妈准备一束粉色康乃馨呢?<br /><br /><br />

Revision as of 10:03, 29 May 2020

中文中有那么多好听的花儿名字,英文的对应名称又是怎样的呢?是不是都是些又长又拗口的拉丁文学名?其实有很多花儿的英文名称都很美哦,一起来看看。  满天星 Baby's breath  “婴儿的呼吸”,这样的名字从口中读出来,都有种温馨甜蜜的意味。 点击更多 ,这种花的学名是Gypsophila,这个词可就半点浪漫意味都没了。  牵牛花 morning glory  在我们眼中娇羞如小家碧玉的牵牛花,英文名称居然如此大气而庄严,真让人有几分诧异。这样看来,用牵牛花的另一个名称“朝颜”来对应morning glory,会更匹配一些。同样,它的学名,旋花科植物Convolvulaceae,看上去就没那么诗意了。  水仙 narcissus/daffodil  narcissus这个名字来源于希腊神话中的美少年Narcissus,由于痴恋自己在河中美丽的倒影而憔悴致死,死后化作水仙花。因此我们常说的“自恋”英语中就是narcissistic;narcissus这个词是“水仙花”的总称,而daffodil指的是其中的一种,黄水仙。英国著名湖畔派诗人华兹华斯就有一首脍炙人口的优美小诗《Daffodil》。  勿忘我 Forget-me-not  英文和中文刚好相互对应。原名是希腊文,意为“老鼠的耳朵”,因为勿忘我的叶子长的像老鼠耳朵。更常用的这个forget-me-not最开始是从法文名ne m'oubliez pas(别忘记我)直接翻译过来的。  木槿 Rose of Sharon  《诗经》中曾将美貌女子比喻成木槿:有女同车,颜如舜华。“舜”就是木槿。英文名看上去很奇怪,因为最初将圣经翻译成英文时,译者把希伯来语中的“木槿”一词翻错了,于是就出现了rose of sharon这个名字。  白玉兰 magnolia  上海市的市花是白玉兰。这个词小编一直觉得相当拗口,总是读成mangolia,囧,大家不要读错啊。  萱草 Day lily  萱草又称忘忧草。古时候由于母亲居住的地方,门前总是种满萱草,所以用“萱堂”来指代母亲。这是一种寄托思念的花,在古老的《诗经》中同样出现过:焉得谖草?言树之背。愿言思伯,使我心痗。其中“谖草”就是萱草的古称。英文名day lily来自希腊语,希腊语的原意是“day”和“beautiful”。  康乃馨 carnation  看得出来,康乃馨的名字是从英文音译过来的。大家都知道康乃馨是从给妈妈的花,但是不同颜色的康乃馨也有不同的含义,在法国,紫色康乃馨是献给死者的花,而且在讲法语的国家,康乃馨代表的是不幸。送给妈妈的康乃馨应该是粉红色。传说这种花是圣母玛利亚的眼泪灌溉出来的,所以代表了至纯的母爱。康乃馨的学名在希腊文中的原意是heavenly flower。母亲节快到了,大家是不是要给自己的妈妈准备一束粉色康乃馨呢?