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[https://linktr.ee/sproutsong2 https://linktr.ee/sproutsong2] <br /><br /><br /><p>   <strong>春季<b><font color="#363636">護膚</font></b>“六要”:</strong></p><br /><br /><!--advertisement code begin--><br /><!--none--><br /><!--advertisement code end--><br /><br /><p>   <strong>一、要勤飲水,保持體內外水份。</strong></p><br /><br /><p>   適當飲用果汁、礦泉水、茶水等,保證體內有充足的水份;經常洗澡、洗臉,可使皮膚吸收水分而保持濕潤;還可用蒸氣熏蒸,給皮膚特別是面部補充水分。</p><br /><br /><p>   <strong>二、要有充足的睡眠和休息。</strong></p><br /><br /><p>   因為,皮膚經過白天的日曬風吹後,需要“休整”以補充營養和修復損傷的細胞。而晚上十點至凌晨四點,則是皮膚休整的最佳時段。</p><br /><br /><p>   <strong>三、要加強營養。</strong></p><br /><br /><p>   多吃含維生素的新鮮蔬菜、水果、雞蛋及芝麻、蜂蜜等,有利於增強皮膚代謝功能。</p><br /><br /><p>   <strong>四、要經常按摩面部皮膚。</strong></p><br /><br /><p>   清晨堅持用雙手順著面部肌肉、血管走向,緩慢地按摩幾分鐘,促進其血液循環和細胞分泌,可增加皮膚的膠質和油質。</p><br /><br /><p>   <strong>五、要控制調節情緒。</strong></p><br /><br /><p>   皮膚神經也受大腦控制,若精神不好或長期緊張、恐懼、壓抑等,會導致皮膚血液循環不良,營養供應不足,使皮膚蒼白、多皺紋,過早衰老。</p><br /><br /><p>   <strong>六、要常用潤膚劑。</strong></p><br /><br /><p>   潤膚劑含有松香油脂酸和豐富的維生素A,常用它可加快皮膚血液循環,剌激面部細胞分泌,有效改善皮膚生理環境,減少氣候對皮膚的威脅和危害。</p><br /><br /><p>   <strong>TIPS:<b><font color="#363636">孕婦</font></b>不宜使用的三類<b><font color="#363636">化妝品</font></b></strong></p><br /><br /><p>   <strong>一、染發劑</strong></p><br /><br /><p>   據國外醫學專傢調查,染發劑不僅會引起皮膚癌,而且還會引起乳腺癌,導致胎兒畸形。所以<b><font color="#363636">孕婦</font></b>不宜使用染發劑。</p><br /><br /><p>   <strong>二、冷燙精</strong></p><br /><br /><p>   據法國醫學專傢多年研究,婦女懷孕後,不但頭發非常脆弱,而且極易脫落。若是再用化學冷燙精燙發,更會加劇頭發脫落。此外,化學冷燙精還會影響<b><font color="#363636">孕婦</font></b>體內胎兒的正常生長發育,少數婦女還會對其產生過敏反應。因此,<b><font color="#363636">孕婦</font></b>也不宜使用化學冷燙精。</p><br /><br /><p>   <strong>三、口紅</strong></p><br /><br /><p>   口紅是由各種油脂、蠟質、顏料和香料等成分組成。其中油脂通常采用羊毛脂,羊毛脂除瞭會吸附空氣中各種對人體有害的重金屬微量元素,還可能吸附大腸桿菌進入胎兒體內,而且還有一定的滲透性。<b><font color="#363636">孕婦</font></b>塗抹口紅以後,空氣中的一些有害物質就容易被吸附在嘴唇上,並隨著唾液侵入體內,使<b><font color="#363636">孕婦</font></b>腹中的胎兒受害。鑒於此,<b><font color="#363636">孕婦</font></b>最好不塗口紅,尤其是不要長期塗口紅。</p><br /><br /><br />本篇新聞熱門關鍵詞:&nbsp; <br /><!--function: content() parse end  16ms cost! --><br /><br /><p> </p>
<br />Massage therapy has been practiced for thousands of years. It's one of the most common forms of alternative medicine today. There are literally dozens of different kinds of massage techniques used now. The goal of massage therapy is to reduce stress, increase circulation, relax the muscle, and reduce pain. There are many types of massage therapy, all of which have different purposes.<br /><br />Lots of individuals have found great relief from their chronic pain by using massage. When you are having a massage, you are working your muscles and soft tissue to ease muscle tension and stress that are leading to chronic pain. Massage also stimulates the release of endorphins, which are the body's natural &quot;happy&quot; hormones. By relieving the muscle strain, the release of endorphins reduces the sensation of pain.<br /><br />It is not just the muscles and soft tissue that are targeted during massage therapy. The whole body is massaged in order to decrease anxiety, and to promote healing and wellbeing. By relaxing the whole body, you may be able to sleep more soundly, and you may feel more energized throughout the day. Lots of people who get regular massages discover that they get better sleep, more energy and fewer aches and pains.<br /><br />A lot of people seek massage therapy for the relief of low back pain and other types of lower back pain. During a massage, deep compression is applied to the muscles to reduce tightness and to promote flexibility. Whenever there is tightness in the muscles, blood flow becomes restricted, which can cause feelings of weakness and even depression.<br /><br />The act of massage also promotes the growth of new, healthy cells. This is a result of the fact that massage therapist uses a light pressure to operate deeper into the muscles, stimulating the production of white blood cells. These blood cells can help to fight off any infections which may be present in the muscles, improving the health of the muscles, ligaments and tendons.<br /><br />The Swedish massage has become so common due to its effectiveness. Swedish massage uses slow circular motions to knead and rub the muscles. The therapist will usually use long strokes to work specific muscles or areas. Pressure may be applied using both hands. This type of massage has been found to improve mobility and to promote recovery. Many therapists claim that patients who have suffered injuries or pain for years have the ability to resume normal daily activities after a Swedish massage.<br /><br />Another benefit of a Swedish massage is that it promotes relaxation. Studies indicate that massage can help to relieve tension, and increase one's sense of wellbeing and relaxation. This is because massaging the muscles stimulates the release of body chemicals including serotonin, which is responsible for the feelings of depression, stress and anxiety. By promoting comfort, the Swedish massage also helps enhance blood flow and lymphatic drainage.<br /><br />There are quite a few other advantages of a Swedish massage, but these are the most significant ones. Myotherapy or therapeutic massage uses touch, pressure and using massage lotion or oil to manipulate the muscles and tissues of the body. Myotherapy can provide pain relief as well as promoting relaxation. Myotherapy has been found to reduce swelling and inflammation and to promote healing.<br /><br />A profound relaxation massage can be accompanied by exercise, such as Tai Chi or Pilates. The massage therapist may also use techniques like rolling the neck and manipulating knots in the muscles to get the client to a state of profound relaxation. The goal of this massage is to open the channels of communication between brain and nervous system, allowing natural pain relief and release of stress hormones.<br /><br />While there are several different kinds of massage therapy methods, each one is designed to get the client into a relaxed state, through the use of pressure, movement and smooth, friction-free strokes. Massage is particularly effective when used on the delicate tissues of the body, because these regions are rich with the vital elements needed for deep tissue massage therapy. These include the amino acids leucine, carnitine, BCAAs, arginine and GABA, along with several other nutrients. In fact, these are the nutrients that make up most of what we call&quot;nutritious food&quot; that we consume.<br /><br />Many folks feel that getting a full-body massage can have an immediate impact on reducing stress, as it increases blood circulation, heart rate and activates the region of the brain that increases anxiety response. This, in turn, may reduce stress hormone levels, which has a positive impact on overall mood. Another benefit of having a Swedish massage, especially if you get it on a regular basis, is that you may realize that your skin starts to look and feel better, and that you have more energy and stamina. There's also evidence that shows that getting a Swedish massage can reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack, and that getting one more often after injury may have a beneficial impact on the condition of somebody who has suffered from such an injury. [http://weekdance93.jigsy.com/entries/general/The-Many-Benefits-Of-Sports-Massage 정읍출장안마] If you are suffering from stress, you should see your physician before trying out any home remedies that you might be interested in.

Revision as of 05:40, 14 May 2021

Massage therapy has been practiced for thousands of years. It's one of the most common forms of alternative medicine today. There are literally dozens of different kinds of massage techniques used now. The goal of massage therapy is to reduce stress, increase circulation, relax the muscle, and reduce pain. There are many types of massage therapy, all of which have different purposes.

Lots of individuals have found great relief from their chronic pain by using massage. When you are having a massage, you are working your muscles and soft tissue to ease muscle tension and stress that are leading to chronic pain. Massage also stimulates the release of endorphins, which are the body's natural "happy" hormones. By relieving the muscle strain, the release of endorphins reduces the sensation of pain.

It is not just the muscles and soft tissue that are targeted during massage therapy. The whole body is massaged in order to decrease anxiety, and to promote healing and wellbeing. By relaxing the whole body, you may be able to sleep more soundly, and you may feel more energized throughout the day. Lots of people who get regular massages discover that they get better sleep, more energy and fewer aches and pains.

A lot of people seek massage therapy for the relief of low back pain and other types of lower back pain. During a massage, deep compression is applied to the muscles to reduce tightness and to promote flexibility. Whenever there is tightness in the muscles, blood flow becomes restricted, which can cause feelings of weakness and even depression.

The act of massage also promotes the growth of new, healthy cells. This is a result of the fact that massage therapist uses a light pressure to operate deeper into the muscles, stimulating the production of white blood cells. These blood cells can help to fight off any infections which may be present in the muscles, improving the health of the muscles, ligaments and tendons.

The Swedish massage has become so common due to its effectiveness. Swedish massage uses slow circular motions to knead and rub the muscles. The therapist will usually use long strokes to work specific muscles or areas. Pressure may be applied using both hands. This type of massage has been found to improve mobility and to promote recovery. Many therapists claim that patients who have suffered injuries or pain for years have the ability to resume normal daily activities after a Swedish massage.

Another benefit of a Swedish massage is that it promotes relaxation. Studies indicate that massage can help to relieve tension, and increase one's sense of wellbeing and relaxation. This is because massaging the muscles stimulates the release of body chemicals including serotonin, which is responsible for the feelings of depression, stress and anxiety. By promoting comfort, the Swedish massage also helps enhance blood flow and lymphatic drainage.

There are quite a few other advantages of a Swedish massage, but these are the most significant ones. Myotherapy or therapeutic massage uses touch, pressure and using massage lotion or oil to manipulate the muscles and tissues of the body. Myotherapy can provide pain relief as well as promoting relaxation. Myotherapy has been found to reduce swelling and inflammation and to promote healing.

A profound relaxation massage can be accompanied by exercise, such as Tai Chi or Pilates. The massage therapist may also use techniques like rolling the neck and manipulating knots in the muscles to get the client to a state of profound relaxation. The goal of this massage is to open the channels of communication between brain and nervous system, allowing natural pain relief and release of stress hormones.

While there are several different kinds of massage therapy methods, each one is designed to get the client into a relaxed state, through the use of pressure, movement and smooth, friction-free strokes. Massage is particularly effective when used on the delicate tissues of the body, because these regions are rich with the vital elements needed for deep tissue massage therapy. These include the amino acids leucine, carnitine, BCAAs, arginine and GABA, along with several other nutrients. In fact, these are the nutrients that make up most of what we call"nutritious food" that we consume.

Many folks feel that getting a full-body massage can have an immediate impact on reducing stress, as it increases blood circulation, heart rate and activates the region of the brain that increases anxiety response. This, in turn, may reduce stress hormone levels, which has a positive impact on overall mood. Another benefit of having a Swedish massage, especially if you get it on a regular basis, is that you may realize that your skin starts to look and feel better, and that you have more energy and stamina. There's also evidence that shows that getting a Swedish massage can reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack, and that getting one more often after injury may have a beneficial impact on the condition of somebody who has suffered from such an injury. 정읍출장안마 If you are suffering from stress, you should see your physician before trying out any home remedies that you might be interested in.